The Wise Professional tm

“All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level.”
William Bernbach

Professionals are Wise, in my estimation, (remember this blog is here to create dialogue not a diatribe) not in a self-important, wise-ass kind of way, rather , the kind of wise they emote is that of experience, craftiness, consideration and dare I say, Vision.

The Wise Professional tm knows, that for all practical purposes, all problems have solutions. They are secure in the knowledge that any issue they come across can be addressed, if not resolved, by consideration of the knowledge and tools they have at hand. They desire and are adept at problem solving.

The Wise Professional knows which details are important. They have perspective and a certain humility before themselves due all the mistakes they made in order to learn anything. They know that the lesson taught is not always the lesson learned, the carrot at the end of the stick is is not always the meal at the end of the journey.

The Wise Professional may approach a problem and resolve it with either, utterly practical or strikingly counter intuitive, solutions yet they are not Quixotic.

Can you think of any Wise professionals? Please leave a comment.

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