The Consummate Professional (tm)

The Consummate Professional is only known by her or his qualities. Those Qualities that are manifest determine the tone of a room. The atmosphere changes subtley. A sense of maybe this person knows what is going on. The  True Professional radiates the sense that just because a thing isn't known doesn't mean it can't be known. A True Professional will assess any given situation and if the knowledge is there, will apply the means necessary to bring to what ever that, situation, task, project,  whatever, to a higher level of Quality.
   Get a room of Consummate Professionals together and on the same page, there isn't anything that can't be done. For instance, The professionalism needed to put people into space. The Professionalism of people who set out to create a new Social Contract, the Constitution. This is not a blog to navigate some personal tempest of political or Ideological maelstrom.I am only looking at personal and organizational intent.The focus that is required to apply so much skill was and is immense.

Undertaking a singular task, the consummate Professional, in a society based on integration, will make sure any effort applied will maximize the quality of the whole.

 Professionals are needed. -"Oh , please know what you are talking about." echo's through phone lines and   antiseptic cyber-realms.

Think about this, earliest profession- Marketing. Everything else is customer service.Customer Service is nothing if it is not applied soft skills. 

I am going to go off and apply some soft skills with my family right now as a matter of fact.

Let us go forth with fear and courage and rage to save the world.”
- Grace Paley

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