Can Professionals be Trusted?

`Trust is almost as mythical as a Unicorn these days. It doesn't do any good to refer to it as a Real Quality if no one believes in it. It hangs off our consciousness like some kind of psychological appendix, an organ that is an irritant at best.There are 8 dictionary results for the word Trust at It's starting to seem  to me that the more definitions there are for a word the less it means anything.

It happens differently from person to person and age doesn't seem to matter. One day you're walking along and some small thing happens that snaps the string of trust between you and everyone else. Or it could be huge, that one big thing that makes you flinch forever, Trust, an amputated appendage. No one can be relied upon. Everyone is out for themselves.

That's a hard way for a person live, either as a person or a professional. But what are you going to do? Lack of trust is nothing more than blatant fear.

Trusting is relying upon, the Professional knows, before they can rely on anyone else, they need to be able to rely on themselves, and be Reliable.Once they have become reliable in there own estimation, they have a standard of reliability they can use to estimate others reliability. There is an old adage, 'those who do not trust are not trustworthy'. Trust builds trust. Communication strengthens and more can be accomplished. I am not channeling Dolphins here. It's systemic, your cells and organs and systems trust one another, if you cells don't trust one becomes ill.

Professionals set the standard for trust. It's just a thought. Care to share any examples to the contrary?

Depend upon yourself. Make your judgement trustworthy by trusting it. You can develop good judgement as you do the muscles of your body - by judicious, daily exercise. To be known as a man of sound judgement will be much in your favor.
-Grantland Rice

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