The Business of Life

Choices and Transactions Negotiations and the Bottom Line.I am young of mind but old of heart when faced with the thought of Business. The above terms are also values in the business of being an artist.The Choices are shape , colors, mediums and canvas The Transactions Are between myself and the "voice behind the sky", or the boundaries of my time. Negations are between Truthfulness and Beauty., and the Bottom line is of course, what I am willing  to accept as the final product.

Both the Idea of Business and the production of Art is as old as the oldest known ocher paintings on cave walls.

Life is business, clearly, the terms change according to the tools and currency. Both take up a different portion of our bicameral mind, but not necessarily so, I feel. Julian Jaynes, findings point to a developmental sequence to the adaption of the Brain as a receptor and processor of information. As humans develop and adapt to their environment, which seems to be manipulated with the intention of creating more information to process, the relationship between the halves of the brain change, as it did one before.

The manifestation of the change in this relationship may be demonstrated by analytical process being approached in a creative and non-linear manner. Also the processes of creativity that once were "out there" are now seen as definable occurrences in the material matter of the brain.

The New Business models may be changing to a more Quality Relationship model. Quality Communication will be the defining factor of a Quality Business as social networking gains a foot hold in ways that people communicate.

My understanding of The Idea of Business, is that people developed business as a way to survive. As the ways to survive change so does the nature of business.

Food, shelter, and clothing. may be the key elements, still, in surviving, but what else does it take to survive these days?

The Path to Success

How do you define Success? Clearly, not everyone has the same criteria for what Success is.

I had originally started this blog in response to the request by the company I work for to outline the steps I had taken to be successful in the position I am in. The path to doing a better job at what I am asked to do. The path to meeting my metrics.Success in the context of this business in particular is basically just doing what I'm supposed to do on a consistent basis. The request was not to outline a path to Excellence, or the steps taken to excel but rather to keep my job. I was over thinking the request.

When one sets out to build a paper airplane, say, and the paper airplane actually flies, that is a success. When one sets out to catch a fish and a fish is caught, that is to have succeeded. When one sets out to mow the lawn, and the lawn gets mowed, that was a success. The path to success, in the context of the request by the company I work for, is basically to pay attention to what I am doing with a minimum of errors while meeting the metrics that have been determined for the job I do. I get to work another day.

All that is required really, is a grade one professionalism, that is I get paid to do what I am asked. Anything else creates waves, and could even be construed as a criticism of the business.

Success in business is one thing, success in life is something completely different.

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."
-Albert Einstein