Here I would like to interject  some of my own personal experience into what it means to be a Professional.

I worked as a Bartender in an East Indian restaurant in Seattle. The Dishwasher was a very good Dishwasher. He told me that he was studying a spiritual practice. He told me that the key to being successful at what you are doing, is:: When you are washing dishes, know you are washing dishes, and do the best you can.

That stuck with me.What I took from that was, care about what you are doing.

There was a time when a trade was handed down from father to son. I was from my own family experience destined to be a third generation Journeyman Electrician. I almost lost my life three different times in the space of 6 months pursuing that profession.

I was 19 years old, almost too old to be an apprentice Journeyman Lineman. A professional.

There is a question I have to ask. What makes a person care about what they do?

Perhaps an ancillary  question needs to be  asked, what makes a person not care about what they do?
Please  see the second question listed as the second quesion listed on the right side of the screen..

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