Here I would like to interject  some of my own personal experience into what it means to be a Professional.

I worked as a Bartender in an East Indian restaurant in Seattle. The Dishwasher was a very good Dishwasher. He told me that he was studying a spiritual practice. He told me that the key to being successful at what you are doing, is:: When you are washing dishes, know you are washing dishes, and do the best you can.

That stuck with me.What I took from that was, care about what you are doing.

There was a time when a trade was handed down from father to son. I was from my own family experience destined to be a third generation Journeyman Electrician. I almost lost my life three different times in the space of 6 months pursuing that profession.

I was 19 years old, almost too old to be an apprentice Journeyman Lineman. A professional.

There is a question I have to ask. What makes a person care about what they do?

Perhaps an ancillary  question needs to be  asked, what makes a person not care about what they do?
Please  see the second question listed as the second quesion listed on the right side of the screen..


I'd like to start out by stating  that in researching this topic, I did not just enter PROFESSIONALISM in Google  with the intention of copying and pasting articles from people who have written books or other blogs on this subject.

With that being said, I do hope to reference people and resources that shed light on what it means to be, not only a professional but but what it means to exhibit professionalism.

I think it is important in this exploration, to share a common understanding of the words and terms used  to address all things pertaining to Professionalism.

PROFESSIONAL-following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain. I think we can all agree that a person who works for a living, is by the loosest definition a Professional.
I am referencing Dictionary,com for my definitions.

As an adjective, Professional is used to describe someone  whose occupation is for monetary gain. Such as a professional builder, landscaper, dishwasher.
As a noun, it is used in reference to a person who is an expert in their chosen field, as opposed to being a hobbyist or amateur.

PROFESSIONALISM-the standing, practice, or methods of a professional, as distinguished from an amateur.This will be explored further. The standards for what is considered to be a Professional differ from occupation to occupation, state to state, country to country. In general though, Professionalism is the  expression of a demeanor that lends the person who exhibits it to expectations of quality associated with that persons profession, or occupation.


The purpose of this blog is to inspire dialogue, and develop a resource for those interested in bettering themselves and the environment in which they live and work.

I hope to review definitions of what it means to be Professional.
I hope to review the history and future of Professionalism.
I would like also to discuss whether or not professionalism matters and if it does, how  it manifests.
I hope to include all avenues of endeavor whether it be Poets, Scientists, Bankers, Lawyers, Businesspeople, and something that is near and dear to me, Customer Service.

I encourage involvement, by means of dialogue, statements, questions, anecdotes, etc.